Sunday 12 August 2012


Puzzler is my first game in DirectX, its a game for those who like solving puzzles.
  While developing this game I came across so many challenges and this game has helped me a lot in terms of knowledge about game programming.

Game play:

 The player has to form a replica of the image shown, by arranging the pieces of images to form the given image. The puzzle must be solved within the given time.

Software used:

  • DirectX 9 SDK
  • Microsoft Visual studio 2010
  • Photoshop
  • Sound editor 

Screen Shots:


Friday 10 August 2012

A try in design

I always wanted to make a game of Indian style, something that's about our history, the Kings, War, Indian mythology and so on.
 I have tried designing an ancient Indian building using the meshes in udk.

My first try in UDK:


Saturday 23 June 2012

Hell World

Hell world is my first game, and it is probably the worlds shortest and one of the easiest game. I created this game to know what really happens behind the game play of a game, how an AI works,  how a sprite is used and how the user controls the game play.

API and Software used:
  • XNA Game studio 4.0
  • Photoshop
  • Microsoft visual studio 2010

Game play:
                As I said its a very simple game, which can be completed within a few seconds, all the player need to do is, just help the angel in the hell to reach the door to the heaven in the least number of seconds by escaping from the patrolling demons of hell.

Screen shots:
Title Screen

Game play at hell



Friday 22 June 2012


Maze is the first attempt I have made using unreal development Kit, its just a prototype and i have used the meshes available in UDK itself.
 The prototype is completely done using kismat and unreal matinee.


Will post the full game play once the game is done.

Friday 6 January 2012

Pencil works..

Birds view

Story board, pg 1

Story board, pg 2

Map of the game in story board

One point perspective, interior

One point perspective, Exterior

Two point perspective, Exterior

Two point perspective, Interior