Sunday 12 August 2012


Puzzler is my first game in DirectX, its a game for those who like solving puzzles.
  While developing this game I came across so many challenges and this game has helped me a lot in terms of knowledge about game programming.

Game play:

 The player has to form a replica of the image shown, by arranging the pieces of images to form the given image. The puzzle must be solved within the given time.

Software used:

  • DirectX 9 SDK
  • Microsoft Visual studio 2010
  • Photoshop
  • Sound editor 

Screen Shots:



  1. Well done manish. I know u have put a lot of effort in making this game. Keep it up.

  2. Good attempt Manish kumar. Effort that u have put into this is clearly visible. After looking at your blog, the only thing that creeps higher is the expectation. Keep up your smart work and give us more exciting games in the mere future.

  3. Nice concept improve it to next level..:-)
